Saturday, January 19, 2013

The H word

I have been battling an wandering infection for sometime now. 3 days after my surgical lung biopsy, I came down with a cold that turned evil on me. It decided after lungs and sinus cavities to make a home in a lymph in my neck. It was so very sexy to have a bulge on the side just in time to be in a wedding. Then it made it hard to eat and drink, so I took my merry ass to the doctor. I got meds that were in a family of drugs that I have known allergies to, but my other options were surgery and surgery. I felt I made a good choice. The first few days were tummy upset, but I saw the swelling go down on my neck. Then came my old friend yeast infection. It happens alot to girls on antibiotics. That was ok-I can deal. Then came bleeding from all my softer skin areas-like inside my mouth, my bum and hoo-hoo. Call the doc. He says come in now. Sure enough my reactions were getting worse. Then I tell him about the fun bleeding. He checks my mouth cause he is not my crotch doc. Sure enough it wasn't canker or cold sore, no thrush, just the tissue almost disappearing. He then suggests that I might be having Hemorrhoids also.
Ewwww I never wanted to hear that word. I live in fear of it. I was terrified when I heard that they were a common issue in pregnancy. I mean I can handle Vag bleeding, but Butt bleeding somehow seems evil. I should also note my pain tolerance is pretty high, so I pretty much got sent home with rest and to take massive probiotic pills for the next month and start my iron again as the bleeding is taking alot out of me. I also learned that I still don't like the word Hemorrhoids. If this doesn't resolve soon I may need some butt creme. Ewwwwwww. It is 2013, shouldn't we have some sort of magic vaccine against bums ever getting them? Well, at least I get an excuse to be grumpy for a bit.

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